Artists & Writers
New and recent sales include one of Zahara Schatz’ plastic plates, sold to the Art Department of the San Francisco Public Schools for its permanent collection of what can only be called artifacts.
Newest line in craft work is plastics. Zahara Schatz in Berkeley has developed an original technique in making bracelets, necklaces, candlesticks, plates, decorative panels, screens, bowls, as well as art panels that have the same function as an oil painting. She applies wire, sheet metal, different bits of copper shapes and pigments on a formed sheet of Plexiglas, covers it with similar material to form a translucent design and entirely new artistic effect. Zahara comes from a family of artists, was surrounded by art in her home in Palestine and was graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. The originality of her work and its possibilities in interior decoration and jewelry, as well as in the pure arts, aroused a stir when she exhibited recently at the Pinacotheca Gallery in New York.
Artists & Writers
New and recent sales include one of Zahara Schatz’ plastic plates, sold to the Art Department of the San Francisco Public Schools for its permanent collection of what can only be called artifacts.
Newest line in craft work is plastics. Zahara Schatz in Berkeley has developed an original technique in making bracelets, necklaces, candlesticks, plates, decorative panels, screens, bowls, as well as art panels that have the same function as an oil painting. She applies wire, sheet metal, different bits of copper shapes and pigments on a formed sheet of Plexiglas, covers it with similar material to form a translucent design and entirely new artistic effect. Zahara comes from a family of artists, was surrounded by art in her home in Palestine and was graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs in Paris. The originality of her work and its possibilities in interior decoration and jewelry, as well as in the pure arts, aroused a stir when she exhibited recently at the Pinacotheca Gallery in New York.